
I am so angry at how certain politicians are combining with misinformation/disinformation sources to create huge confusion and misplaced anger and media hyperbole about the carbon tax in BC and Canada, especially when it comes to fuel for "normal" cars and trucks driven by "normal" people.

If you believe the carbon tax is the only or even largest reason gas prices are rising, then you have been lied to.

Here are some carbon tax and fuel facts in BC:

1) For gasoline the April 1, 2024 rise in Carbon Tax has added 3.3 cents/Litre or 3.89c/L for Diesel.

2) The price of gasoline has risen more than 5x more than the Carbon Tax in the past month. shows a rise of 16.8 cents in the past month from 176 to 193 cents.

3) charts from the past 10 years (which is beyond the period of the various elected parties in power and the Federal carbon tax mandates) shows that BC prices are consistently higher than the Canadian average BUT that the difference remains nearly constant (ie. this has always been the case) and the two rise up and down in nearly perfect sync and there is no correlation to the Carbon tax changes on April 1st of any year.

BC Carbon Tax rates by year:

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